by scadmin | Sep 12, 2011 | Affiliate Information, Prom, ShareASale, Uncategorized
Diane Vives, for Hyperwear, motivates us through a 5 minute circuit where we bump up the intensity: Using the Hyperwear Sandbells, the weighted vest and 4 circuit stations that take up very little space, we are working on lower body strength in station 1, upper body...
by scadmin | Aug 16, 2011 | CJ Affiliate, PPC, Prom, Promotions, snow consulting, Uncategorized
Welcome to the affiliate program in CJ . If you have any questions, ideas or feedback please do not hesitate to contact us. We love to talk to our affiliates Original post: Welcome to the Affiliate...
by scadmin | Aug 5, 2011 | snow consulting, Uncategorized
We are happy to announce that the Affiliate Program is now pro-actively managed by the Snow Consulting team! Brilliantstore, Inc was established in 2002, based near Silicon Valley, CA. The rapid growth of the company was due to their resolute in...
by scadmin | Aug 4, 2011 | Affiliate Information, Uncategorized
Join Diane Vives as she explores the Secrets of Hybrid Training . She shows us the combination of amazing training tools with cutting edge techniques to give you quality ideas to integrate into your daily routine. View post: Hyper Training Lab #1 – Circuit Training...
by scadmin | Jul 25, 2011 | Prom, ShareASale, Uncategorized
Check out the latest video from . Diane Vives at NSCA shows us some upper body exercises as part of her “Trimming the Fat” series View post: Upper Body Workout with Hyper Vest