We are excited to announce our latest client and new affiliate program we just launched in ShareaSale.
TradeGreeks.com provides hedged trade strategies using Options. The uniqueness of their product is that theirs is the only product which provides personalized recommendations for specific portfolio size. They are the ONLY one who backs up their promised return commitment with a money back guarantee. 25% assured annual return. Wow!
– Earn a very aggressive $50 commission per sale!
– Lifetime Commission if the customer you refer continues with Trade Greeks.
– Easily Generate 10% two tier commission if you refer other affiliates to the program.
– Cash Bonuses & Commission Incentives (ask us about it)
– 60 Day Tracking Cookie
– Discount links available
– Auto-Deposit Feature
– Open PPC policy (Killer keyword list available)
Most people think that this is not a good time to invest due to the recession. Actually, it is the best time to get in the market as prices are low, recession is starting to move aside and growth is on the horizon. Let Trade Greeks help you earn 25% assured annual return. Who else can guarantee you 25% return on your investment?!
Join the Trade Greeks affiliate program in ShareaSale today and start earning hefty commissions!
Let us know if you have any questions regarding the affiliate program. we are here to help you succeed.
Randy Norton – Affiliate Team Manager
tradegreeks @ snow-consulting.com