by scadmin | Aug 26, 2010 | Affiliate Information, ShareASale, Uncategorized is a solid platform that serves our customers with excellent products at the most competitive price. We free-ship items worldwide such as Electronics, Computer Accessories, Cell Phones & Accessories, Networking, Magic Cubes, LED & Lamp, Video...
by scadmin | Aug 24, 2010 | Affiliate Information, ShareASale, Uncategorized
TheHairstyler has released a new version of their demo ad ! The new demo allows customers to experience some of the great features of TheHairStyler before they sign up for the service. Here’s a screen shot of the new demo ad: Here is the original post: New...
by scadmin | May 22, 2010 | Affiliate Information, CJ Affiliate, Prom, ShareASale, Uncategorized
At, we’ve been enjoying international success and acclaim for our key role as innovative provider of online computer hair imaging. Our virtual hairstyling process has been in development since December 2000 by a cutting-edge team of...