Trivia Question 2 of 3 for Thurs 9-29 is sponsoring the 2nd question for this last day of Round 1 Trivia.  You’ll find the answer on the site. How do you achieve “rich black” when submitting files to a printer? Submit your answer in the comments section below.  Each...

Trivia Question 3 of 3 for Thurs 9-29

The 3rd and final question today (and for Round 1) comes from  You’ll find the answer in one of the celebrity tips articles on site: Fill in the blank: Christina Aguilera’s lips are always some shade of ____. Submit...

Wed, 9-28 Correct Answers Trivia

The correct answers for yesterday’s Trivia contest are: #1 – Business cards from give you all those choices. #2- Claire Danes just barely edged Jane out with her flattering length and overall shine (according to #3- Each...

Trivia Question 1 of 3 for Wed 9-28 is the sponsor for Trivia question #1 today.  You’ll find the answer on the site: What product gives you design choices like Slim, “Leaf” Die Cut or magnetic? Submit your answers in the comments section below.  Correct answers...

Trivia Question 2 of 3 for Wed, 9-28 sponsors question #2 today for Trivia.  You’ll find the answer on site: Who won the straight strands show-down at the recent Emmy Awards: Claire Danes or Jane Krakowski? Submit your answers in the comment section below. ...

Trivia Question 3 of 3 for Wed, 9-28

Our 3rd Trivia question for today is sponsored by  You’ll find the answer on the site: How big are the nozzles (jets) on a printer’s printhead?   Hint: There are 48 to 320 of them on each one. Submit your answer in the...