4th Annual Snow Hockey Pool

Hockey is Back! Join Our FREE Hockey pool!

Word from the top:
We just launched our FREE hockey pool in box style format with OfficePools.com. All you have to do is pick one player, per box and hit submit. That’s it! As always, we will have prizes for the top 3 finishers. Go ahead and join the fun. Hockey is back!!

Here’s the link to join: Join Hockey Pool

1. Type in the Team Name you come up with
2. Tell us your name and contact (for prizes and bragging rights)
3. Pick 1 player in each box – that’s your team
4. Watch to see how you’re doing!
5. Trash talk
6. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd at the end*.


*The Snow Team will be doing 1-5, especially 5, but are not eligible for prizes. So you have even more chances to win!
